Where to get those dryer balls
I’ve seen them at discount home stores like HomeGoods, Marshalls or TJ Maxx. A brand they like to carry is Eco Nuts which are the king sized 3.5″ ones. There’s a link below that will show you many types of the 3″ (usually called XL size) too, usually at a lower cost than the discount home store.
So here is a link: Organic Wool Dryer Balls for a variety of well priced ($8-$15 for 6) organic ones, and another for the more costly ($17 for 4) Eco Nuts King Sized ones.
The sheep in New Zealand are treated well and are a great source of organic wool, and most of these are made with wool sourced from New Zealand. I do prefer ones labeled organic, and there doesn’t seem to be a huge price difference for this added security.
You may note that several folks suggest you add essential oils to the balls, but I wholeheartedly disagree – even the organic essential oils are falling under scrutiny. They still dump VOCs – volatile organic compounds – onto your clothing and into your air. Remember – this is all about decreasing your exposures to chemicals. And we want to take on the mindset of “clean smells like nothing” too!
Avoiding chemicals that are endocrine disruptors
is part of what we’re trying to do here –
so just embrace “fragrance free” and don’t add anything.
Here’s an article from 2018 from Time, and a quote from study author J. Tyler Ramsey, a post-baccalaureate research fellow at NIEHS. “However, the public should consider these findings when deciding to use essential oils, as they do contain endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and there may be health risks and implications when using these oils.”
This is a well written opinion piece that offered the sage advice, “When in doubt, leave it out.“